Friday, August 21, 2009

So full of life

Yesterday during surgery Mama Jean took a turn for the worse. The anuerysm burst and caused a huge amount of bleeding. She is in a coma and on a ventilator. This morning they are going to hook her up to an eeg to monitor brain activity. We are all so shocked that the end may be near for our sweet Mama Jean. I think that God had a plan and made us all come together this week to spend time with each other and Mama Jean before her surgery. I can not imagine this all going on with us still in Canada. I am so glad we could be here. The day before her surgery we spent the afternoon on Nana's back porch watching the crop duster fly over. Every time we would hear it Mama Jean would pick Preston up and say "come on, here it comes, wave Preston wave"Every memory I have of her is good, she loved her family and all her grand babies so much. My first memory is when Aaron brought me and Ashley to LA to meet the family Mama Jean gave me a big hug and said "I knew we would have 1 angel but I never expected 2 (meaning Ashley)
She would tell me all the time that she read my blog everyday, that she must check it 100 times a day to see if I updated it and added more pictures.


Freckles Fotography said...

So so sorry for you and Aarons family. Mama Jean was so up beat and happy. She always had something funny and insightful to say. Your family is in my thoughts and prayers.. I love you all. Please give extra hugs and prayers to Mrs Renee..

Betsy said...

i am so, so sorry to hear about mama jean. i'll be thinking of you and yours. miss you!

Faron and Adrian said...

Our thoughts and prayers with you all of you and the entire family...

Annie said...

So sorry, hope everything goes well. Praying for her.

Joe said...

You can tell just by looking at the pictures this lady was special. I am so sorry for what I know must be a great loss. Take comfort in your memories and your family. xoxox