Monday, March 9, 2009

Spring is that you!

I love the spring time change. I love that at 7 o clock it's still day light. I made this little spring decor to help our family welcome spring!



Freckles Fotography said...

Super cute!! I ll be expecting mine in the mail soon ;) Love you, miss you, Wish you were here to landscape my yard for spring again..

Anonymous said...

Please, please, please tell us how you made that. My daughter's room is
done in flowers and I would love to steal your idea for her room. You are very talented.

Kim H. said...

Ummm...ship mine with Tasha's!! Super Cute!

Hajar Zamzam Ismail said...

It's so pretty.

It Is Worth It said...

I agree! Could you share the instructions? Thanks!

Amber Schmidt said...

Those are WAY cute. Alas they would be destroyed at the hands of Sir Ross and Owen... pretty to look at from afar though!

Kelly said...

What a cute decoration! Cute blog too!